Pedro Martinez: Quick, Ask Me a Question
When I walked into my brother’s house for dinner, he asked me one question. “What did Madonna name her daughter?” “Lourdes,” I said. Instantly that answer put me on the Trivial Pursuit dream team. All I needed to qualify was one right answer. Hell, if that’s how things work, ask me another question. Quick. Ask me if Africa’s a country. The answer’s “no.” Now I'm qualified to run for President. Here’s another question: Are you currently pitching in the MLB? “No." You’re hired! Pedro Martinez can talk the talk and walk the walk, but can he still pitch? Who knows. No one else was interested enough to give him a contract this year, but the Phillies aren’t worried, they’re only shelling out a million dollars. A million dollars?! Hey, that’s a lot of money to me. I think I’m qualified to pitch. Quick, ask me a question. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European Swallow? No really, I can pitch. I’ve spent hours doing that on the phone. Wait, my husband...